I need new Web sites to look at. Or maybe I just need to work more. But I am still in training so really there isn't anything to do.
Sex and the City tonight. Oh man, how excited am I? Very! I love Carrie! I love the clothes. I just love it all. I fell in love with the show 3 years ago and couldn't stop watching the DVDs. Yeah, it might be scandalous and speak of things that good Christian boys and girls shouldn't be doing outside the bounds of marriage, but man oh man, how I love that show. Is it weird that I actually learned a lot about relationships that way. Not just male and female relationships, but also friendships. If you watch the show, you know each of the four girls are drastically different. I liked how they interacted. They were all honest with each other but the show still showed natural conflict. And I liked to see how they handled it.
All in all it was a great show and I wish it was still an up and running show.